Saturday, April 3, 2010

Tonya's Patisserie!

It is AMAZING! Why is it not listed with the other restaurants in Chesterton?

Sure, it%26#39;s just a cafe, but it%26#39;s an exceptional cafe. And if people knew how close it was to the Lighthouse Outlet Mall, I think they%26#39;re be more traffic!

Have any of you been there? Try the sticky buns!

Tonya's Patisserie!

No I haven%26#39;t been there. It%26#39;s been awhile since I%26#39;ve been up to Chesterton. Try to do a review %26amp; that will let others know about it. Thanks for the heads up.


Tonya's Patisserie!

I think there%26#39;s an option for you to add an attraction or restaurant that you want to review. It%26#39;s been awhile, but I%26#39;ve done it before.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and in small letters you%26#39;ll see ';Write a Review.'; Click on that and then it gives you options.

Have the address and contact information for the place handy because you%26#39;ll be filling all of that in, and then write your review.

I hope that helps!

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